To Paint & Protect

Toronto, Etobicoke, Mississauga, Oakville, Burlington, and Milton Area.

To Paint & Protect

Toronto, Etobicoke, Mississauga, Oakville, Burlington, and Milton Area.


While every reasonable effort is made to ensure best finish possible, there are many factors that can affect final appearance such as temperature, humidity, environmental surroundings and wind. While we prep and spray paint windows that are masked off and in place there is always a possibility of some dust particles or small insects getting trapped in the finish. We do achieve factory like finish on site although we cannot guarantee it to be free from dust particles or small insects. Nobody can. Aside from the occasional blemish overall factory like finish looks incredible as it can only be achieved using an HVLP paint sprayer. Such finish cannot be achieved using conventional painting methods such as using brush & roller.

We take no responsibility for the exterior caulking around windows and doors and state it’s in. (older caulking may be weather cracked etc.) We usually paint caulking around the windows and doors as it makes them look more wholesome and complete but we only do it as a courtesy and will not take responsibility for paint failure on caulking as it is not meant to be painted. Usually there are no issues unless it is deliberately picked at.

Due to the wide variety of manufacturers and the way the vinyl windows are assembled, sometimes there is silicone used in various areas of the windows and while we make every effort to properly prepare all surfaces prior to spray painting, some traces of silicone may still remain especially in some crevices, ridges or around some edges. As silicone is not paintable, there may be small spots that we may not be able to paint. We have been able to cover even the most stubborn spots thus far but due to the variety of different situations we reserve the right to claim no responsibility to cover a stubborn spot in the event we have exhausted all possible options with no success. Should this occur, we would finish affected window(s) at discounted rate. Also, we reserve the right to refuse to paint certain windows or doors, where we see silicone has been applied deliberately either by a homeowner or improper work done by a contractor. We may assess the situation and can try to remove silicone at an extra cost or refuse to paint affected windows or doors.

Please note we only paint windows on the outside in their closed position. Meaning when you open the window, you will see whatever colour they were before. We DO NOT disassemble windows to paint parts of the windows you see from outside when they are open as it would be a lot more labour intensive, therefore a lot more expensive and they could get damaged or misaligned in the process, especially older windows. We DO NOT disassemble sliding patio doors and only paint them on the exterior. If you would like to have your vinyl windows painted thoroughly and not just windows on the outside in their closed position then you should consider a new window replacement and installation with desired colour(s). We only provide a more cost-effective alternative for those that are looking to dramatically improve the look of their home without costly window replacement and associated extra costs.

Please note we only paint window vinyl and if your window panes contain grille inserts, we cannot do anything about them as they are inside the vacuum sealed double glass. If you prefer the look without the grille inserts or notice some windows have lost their vacuum (they are “fogged up” and cannot be cleaned up – they lost their vacuum seal as well as their insulating properties) you may want to decide to replace all or some of the glass inserts. Depending on your home style, some may look better without grille inserts in front of the house, some look great. It is also a matter of personal preference. Any window glass that has lost the vacuum seal should be replaced regardless and replacing the window glass is usually fairly affordable.